They have grown. Sniff. I remember smelling the pages of the first book in the series back in elementary, grade four to be exact, proud to get hold of it after seeing its cover in the pages of a newspaper and telling my sister to purchase one for me as a birthday present. Though people always say (including me) the interpretation in our heads is way better than any director’s vision, the Harry Potter movies are always a marvel to look at (especially Alfonso Cuaron’s ingenious take). And now that the movie franchise is going to end soon, we can only sigh and wait for anticipation since no efforts of dividing the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in two-part movies could deny the fact that the characters have grown up and so as the readers. It is time to move on.
You're right about Alfonso Cuaron. The third movie remains my favorite, and the third book too...
most of the time, i find nostalgia whenever i hear or see anything harry potter...
it always remind me of a very colorful youth...
and yes, things swiftly change
@Glentot: Same here, I love the third book and movie. It's plot-driven. And come to think of it, HP3 is the only book that didn't have any Voldemort cameo.
@Wanderingcommuter: So you're reading the books too? What makes the books (and maybe also the movies) endearing is that the story grows together with the reader. That is why it's hard to let go of the nurtured attachment.
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