Monday, December 25, 2006

the birthday and the holiday

Surely, the easiest way to go ballistic for the night is to steer away from the norm; get out of the ordinary box and do stuff that no one seems to care.

And that we did that last night.

We ignited firecrackers that nearly went whirring to our neighbors’ houses, did the family tradition of “take-a-picture-of-me-doing-this”, exchanged gifts when all of the giftees were nowhere in sight having their own Christmas world out there, and drank and ate and chatted and vice versa until morning came (of which I excluded myself), to meet the 25th day of December when both hour and minute hand of the clock pointed to twelve.

Of course, it is Christmas! And not just any Christmas, it is also at the same time my mother’s day of birth! Christmas? Birthday? Mixed that and the family gathers around then the next thing you will know, the powerhouse of our home is at its peak, reaching to the highest notch.

I need to treasure this moment because one thing is, this is only the time when everyone, my mother and father(2), all seven of us brothers and sisters(7) plus their supporting partners(4), and finally with their children which are my nephews and nieces(11) would supposedly gather!

And this goes to the total whopping number of—drum roll please— twenty-three! And inside one house good for ten human beings and four stray cats?

But we never have celebrated the event completely; there are always some absences. Yet, the spirit of giving, contentment, and (this may not sound like me) love, are at all times present.

One word: thanks.

Happy Christmas everyone and Merry Birthday Mama.

sorry, not complete

click here for more pictures.

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