Saturday, July 07, 2007

litcritter original sent

For the past two weeks we were tasked to write another piece of fiction, the kind of the story that is leaning towards the horror genre. And as what Ian Rosales Casocot told us last Saturday, at Silliman University’s President’s House, “writing horror is not easy.”

And believe me it is not, unless you are Stephen King or a reincarnation of Lovecraft or Blackwood.

Though my academics and some extra duties consume most of my time, thankfully I managed to write down a tale I think deliberately steered away from what we were supposed to be writing. Sorry, it’s just hard even if you are simply told ‘all of you have to do is create the mood’ statements every time you ask someone how to write an effective horror story. The bottom line is that I gave it a shot.

Truth be told, this LitCritter assignment is for
Dean Alfar’s call of entries on his Philippine Speculative Fiction volume 3; an anthology of anything wondrous or as what the editor himself said in a lot of interviews, “the literature of the imagination.”


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