Monday, June 30, 2008

in the papers

I've read Butch Dalisay's article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer about the 47th Dumaguete Writers Workshop fellows a couple of weeks ago. That's why it comes as a shock when I have gotten a tip from Tokwa that we're featured again (it's late June!). This time it's written by third-week panelist Susan Lara. Found in the Art & Culture section of The Philippine Star, the article speaks so much truth that nostalgia find its way again to my head. Memories! Aside from this fact, I'm super happy the book cover I've made for our Sea[sic] anthology is also featured!

If the papers are gone, I can always read the online version here.

Curiosity: Have Ma'am Sue read this blog? Where else could she get my direct quotation which is only found here? I didn't remember her interviewing me. Yay!


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