Friday, November 03, 2006

small works

Grasps on Greens

Yup, a small work indeed. And it is literal, this is small – and not the kind of small that is extremely minute – about 15 inches by 10 inches. Before I have enrolled for the coming semester, my knots had once again loosened all by itself and made me grab a pencil, a paper, and ink last week. Probably an effect of too much procrastinating on matters equivalent of a candy with a free toy earring at the nearest sari-sari store, my hands busied on something arty – I guess.

And here are some works that I had made before, hmmm way back in August 2005. Don't get fooled, the illustrations are not the same.

Triptych: Wine & Entertainers

- the artwork, Triptych: Wine & Entertainers, was one of the many pieces
exhibited at the SU Main Library last March 2006,
organized by the Silliman Guild of Artist (Silgarians).



jonasdiego said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

lyde said...

i have one of this collection...thanks jordie..

Jake Jason said...

hi jordie.. im an avid fan of yours.. i wish to ask some of ur works. i know that ul be one of the greatest person alive in the near future.. as early as now, i am starting to collect ur works of art... thnx..

anna katrina said...

hi jordan! again, nice artworks. No doubt, you'll be famous some day. Hope you remember we were once 'acquainted' (since you don't believe in friendship and all...) Hehe :) Uhm, can you give me an artowork? I plan to collect pieces from my artist-friends/acquaintances... I'm gonna frame them and display them in my new and improved (so much more mature) room. :) Thankies! :)

Bullfrog said...

sure anna... if i have time to make... works out of "pen and ink" can be done quickly... let's just hope these "pen & ink" wouldn't hide from me.